"Seen any talking donkeys, lately?"
Every afternoon I go for a walk down the county road on which I live. In a nearby pasture are two little donkeys. They are really neat little dudes. They are called "Jesus donkeys" because they have markings on their backs shaped like a cross. They are really friendly and when I walk over to the fence they come over toward me to say hello. Well, they dont actually talk, but I wish they would. Perhaps they would tell me what God would like for me to do today. Far fetched, you say? Well, in case you didnt know, something like that has happened before.
Before we go any further though, lets go back into time to the age of the Old Testament and the book of Numbers. In Numbers Chapter 22: we read an incredible story of a talking donkey. In fact, the donkey wasnt even delivering a divine message to a God fearing (at the time) prophet, but a pagan prophet. God wanted Balaam to deliver a different message to his destination than he was planning to. If you are not familiar with the story, it went like this:
As Balaam was enroute to his destination, an angel of the Lord appeared ahead of him with a sword drawn to destroy him. He did not see the angel, but the donkey Balaam was riding did! So the donkey stopped. This happened three times. Balaam was unhappy with the donkey stopping, so he struck the animal three times. What happened next was quite humorous. The Bible says the Lord opened the mouth of the donkey and she asked Balaam, "why did you hit me three times?" Balaam then has a short discussion with the donkey, where she tells him that if he would have continued, he would be in peril because the angel was about to destroy him. The angel then appears and confirms the donkey's dissertation, and instructs Balaam on what to do next. Balaam repents of his actions and follows the angels' instructions.
A talking donkey was probably the last thing on Balaam's mind at the point in his journey, where these events took place. It was a very important juncture that Balaam was at. He didnt even realize what was about to happen to him if the donkey had not stopped. The talking donkey turned out to be God's extraordinary method to alter Balaams' trajectory and thereby become God's instrument.
God may use unusual tactics, people, and circumstances to communicate His will and direction for our lives. Some of these circumstances may seem puzzling and bewildering at first. Later, they will become more clear in purpose and function. If you have been a Christian for a while you may have had an unusual experience in which you received divine guidance. Maybe your "talking donkey" is yet to come in your walk with Jesus Christ, your Lord and Savior. Stay in faith and keep your spiritual eyes and ears open. Of course, keep looking for that talking donkey!
Have a great day,
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