Football season is approaching, so a young man's mind turns to...football. You thought I would say something else? All the "experts" are beginning to predict who the best teams and worst teams will be in college football before these teams even make it onto the practice field. The favorite teams then have to live up to their expectations while the least favorite teams, the ones with lesser talent and physical prowess, are referred to as underdogs. They are not expected to accomplish much during the upcoming football season.
Typically, football fans will cheer their favorite team, but unless the team is an arch-rival, most fans love to cheer for the underdog many times, also. There is something really special about a team (or person) who overcomes adversity to win the big game. There has been many movies made and books written about "underdogs", over the years.
The Bible contains dozens of inspiring and thrilling stories of underdogs. In fact, I would say that practically all the main characters of the Bible, could be characterized as underdogs. A short list of these personalities would include: Moses, Joseph, David, dozens of the prophets, and even Jesus, himself. Jesus was an underdog, you ask? Oh yes. The Apostle Paul records in Philippians 2:
Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.
I submit that since Jesus humbled himself to the point of death, he became an underdog voluntarilty; having temporarily put aside his power and glory. Of course, the next few verses records God's "response" to this marvelous beloved son of his, becoming an underdog:
Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
How about that? God will have everyone in the history of mankind one day bow to this supernatural "once underdog", Jesus Christ, and declare that he is Lord! I think it is safe to say that although God loves all of us, he must certainly have a special place in his heart for underdogs. For it is through the underdog (that is willing to be used by God), that God can do unexplainable, marvelous, and awesome things so that the world will know that God did it. In other words, as the world (Christians and non-Christians) sees the underdog excel, they are impressed to find out how it is possible. The answer to that question points eyes to God, since there are few logical explanations, otherwise.
I'll be honest, I know I'm an underdog. I was raised in a small town with little hope of going to college, much less becoming an Air Force and Airline pilot. I submitted to God's will for my life in high school, and God brought this poor old underdog through some physical, mental, and spiritual challenges for the better part of half a century, that defy logical explanation. I should have never survived, much less accomplish anything. There is only one logical conclusion. It wasn't me- it was all God!
Why did he enable me to do what I have done? Well, for one reason, so that one day I would write this blog and praise Him for doing everything. That's called giving credit where credit is due. As I go through physical trials at this moment, I am once again in an underdog situation. I ask for your prayers for healing and sustainment, as God uses this "thorn in the flesh", to teach me to grow in faith.
In the meantime, football season is coming soon and don't forget to cheer for the underdog. By the way, if you are ever watching a game with God and the underdog falls behind in the score, whatever you do dont bet against the underdog if God is cheering for him.
So do you feel like an underdog today? Be of good cheer, because blessed is the underdog.
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