Many believers (Christians) feel that they are lacking the deep, Christ centered, intimate relationship with God, that they once may have had. In some churches this might be called a back-slidden faith. Other churches might call it a life full of unconfessed sin, which requires a visit to their priest for confession. Whatever you may call this condition, it is an unpleasant experience. It might be even worse in some respects than not even being a born again believer, who simply doesn't know any better; and therefore doesn't know that there is a better way.
Unfortunately, I have experienced this condition from time to time. Usually, God has disciplined me gently and called to me to return to Him. Afterwards, I confessed my unfaithfulness and returned to daily fellowship with Him in prayer, Bible reading, and then simply living my life in his loving presence.
A lot of times, I have seen this subtle "drifiting away from God" phenomenon in others. It doesn't occur overnight and doesnt usually occur as a result of a catasphrophe, although that can happen. This "fallen" condition can happen to individuals, churches, and even nations. This blog is not intended to cause any negative response, but simply is intended to relate not only what I have experienced, but also what happened to an entire nation centuries ago when they drifted away from God and got into serious trouble, both spiritually and physically. The good news is that there is one forumula required to heal and correct this condition.
This formula comes from an Old Testament book called 2 Chronicles. This book was written by the wisest King who ever lived, King Solomon. In this book, there is a chapter where King Solomon is relating a message that God delivered to him, related to the nation of Israel. This particular message deals with what the nation (as a people called to God) should do when they are out of fellowship with God. Then, God relates what He will do. There are some vitally important concepts, contained in this verse, that are relevant to individual Christian lives, churches, and nations today.
In 2 Chronicles 7:14, we read: "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
How do we equate this ancient writing to the 21st Century? Let's break down this verse (formula), one piece at a time.
IF MY PEOPLE- These are Christians.
HUMBLE THEMSELVES- That isn't easy if you don't think you need God.
PRAY- This isn't talking about "casual" praying, but heart-felt, on your knees, soul-searching, full-throttle heart to heart praying.
SEEK MY FACE- This is diligently, "katie bar the door", "do or die trying " seeking of God, with all of your heart.
TURN- Otherwise known as repenting and turning around from the direction you are going. In other words- go toward God, and not away from Him.
I WILL HEAR- Remember, God never breaks a promise and He never says anything He doesn't mean, because He is perfect in every way and not fulfilling a promise is impossible for him.
FORGIVE THEIR SIN- All through the Bible, God makes it clear that He is ready to forgive, when we ask for it. You might say, forgiving is his nature.
HEAL THEIR LAND- Contained within the context of this verse are many implications. Land, in this passage, refers to physical land properties, but also a lot more.It is obvious that God heals hearts of individuals, as well as churches and nations. I suppose he does this because it is all related. Our sin separates us from God, then a chain reaction begins, as the effects of our sin carries over into the lives of others, and then spreads into ever increasing circles. The effects become more widespead, as more sin and bad decisions result. The analogy of fire comes to mind. First, a spark starts, then the fire increases in intensity and size. Finally, a huge fire engulfs everything in its path. It all started with a small spark, however. Likewise, once healing begins in indivduals, it spreads to ever-increasing circles.
The great part of the formula is that it always works and it is always there to be applied. God is always faithful to hear, to forgive, and to heal. It's not hard to figure out why: It is because God is love. He doesn't just love, He is love. If you are not a Christian this formula will work for you if you start by getting to know God's son, who is called Jesus. Get to know Him, what he has done for you, and what he is willing to do for you if you will let him.(See John 3:16). Then, you can apply this formula to your life.
Have a blessed day, Your brother in Christ,
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