Sunday, March 27, 2016

The magnificent story of Easter continues

The last time I saw her was on Thursday of Holy Week, in April of 2009. My good friend Geraldine was in the hospital again. She had a lot of health issues and I didn't always go visit her when she had to go to the hospital, but this time I did. I took her some Easter lillies, because I knew she liked flowers and Easter was coming up soon. She was in good spirits and had a room full of people visiting her. We shared some memories of how we met and got to be such good friends, with those in the room. We told each other amusing stories and we laughed. She appreciated the Easter lillies very much. Two days later, on the night before Easter, she passed away. I got to speak at her memorial service, and shared with folks how God had brought us together so that we could strengthen each other in faith. This happened as we had shared life experiences, prayed together, and shared Bible lessons.

In the past, I have thought about the imagery used in the Bible regarding death and sleep. For example, the Apostle Paul uses the term, "asleep in Christ". The imagery came to my mind that Geraldine went to sleep on the night before Easter. The next sunrise on earth was Easter morning. So in a way, Geraldine celebrated Easter of 2009 by waking up in Heaven, and by being embraced by the One who made it all possible..Jesus. What a profoundly beautiful image comes to mind.

Yesterday, I spent a little time in a nearby church cemetery. I looked at the graves. I prayed, and read scripture. I thought about Jesus in the grave on Holy Saturday. I thought about those in graves around me who are asleep in Christ. The next time you go by a cemetery, notice which way the graves are facing (east). Jesus said, "For as the lightning comes out of the east, and shines to the west, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be." It wasn't until my father died in 1991, that I found out that funeral directors traditionally face the graves east in recognition of this scripture concerning the second coming of Jesus. The notion being that those asleep in Christ are expecting and awaiting His return and so their graves are facing east, in anticipation of the return of Jesus and their own resurrection.

The implications of the resurrection of Jesus are so extraordinarily vast, that scholars and theologians are still studying and discovering them. But, one thing is for sure. Because He rose from the dead, so will we. Jesus paved the way for this to happen. Not only do we have the joy of celebrating His resurrection, but we will get to participate in the magnificent continuing story of Easter, as well. How? Because just like Geraldine, and other followers of Jesus over the span of the ages ,we will get to rise again, too. What a day that will be.

So, today we rejoice because the magnificent story of Easter continues.

Alleluia, Christ is risen,
The Lord is risen indeed, Alleluia!

Blessings and Happy Easter,
George and Angela

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