Saturday, March 5, 2016

There is more to come

"The life of mortals is like grass, they flourish like a flower of the field; the wind blows over it and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more. But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord’s love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children’s children— with those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts". -Psalms 103:15-18

I recently saw a wisdom-filled, well meaning article about the day that a person dies. There were a lot of good thoughts in it. Many such articles focus on making sure your loved ones know that you love them, having as many life experiences as possible, and attempting to "live life to the fullest", as it is usually stated. Many were simply logical and thoughtful things concerning living your life as if you don't really know when you are going to die. I have always thought that it is a wise thing to remember that I am mortal. So many people live as though they are never going to die. Graveyards are a good reminder that this is not true.

But, the good news is, for the Christian (the person who knows Jesus Christ as savior and lord), this is only part of the story. The end of life for the Christian is not the "end of the journey". Life becomes a preparation for the vast and glorious eternity to come.

I recently read a book called HEAVEN, written by Randy Alcorn. Therein contained a vast treasure chest of wisdom concerning the next (even greater) eternal life to come for the Christian. One of the enlightening things I learned was that the "pressure" to live life to the fullest and get all that you can now before you die, is really an illusion and quite unnecessary. Alcorn explains that, for the Christian, eternal life will be beyond comprehension and it will in many ways be a continuation of the Godly and good things of this life. To me, this means I don't have to get everything right, and I don't have to do all that I can, because as long as I am living for the Lord Jesus, I will get to do more in Heaven than I could do in a thousand lifetimes on this earth. Additionally, we will be with our loved ones, and have fellowship with them forever. You mean we will not just be floating on clouds and playing harps? No. Well, except for those Christians that always wanted to do that. They will play the harp greater than they could ever imagine in heaven. Ain't that cool? When I die, I'm not planning on telling my Christian loved ones good bye. I'm going to tell them, "I'll see you later".

In closing, it seems logical that living a good,  full (as the world defines it), experience-filled life can put a lot of pressure on you if this is all there is. Indeed, to an unbeliever I guess it makes sense. But, once you realize that this life is just a "flash in the pan", you realize that maybe you should become familiar with the One who is eternal, the One who can give you life eternal, and the One who's love for you is eternal- Jesus.

Because, there is so much more to come...

Happy Eternity and Blessings,

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