Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Tough Love

While reading some forums today regarding popular secular views and opinions, it occurred to me that if I believed hard enough and long enough that I was a frog, I would become one. Doesn't make sense does it? Although it might be cool to be able to change truth and reality by just thinking it long enough and getting others to agree with you, most of us learn at an early age, we just can't do that.

There are limits and rules in this world that are sometimes flexible, but then there are certain absolutes that are unchanging and unforgiving. For example, because a person disobeys the speed limit it doesn't mean the speed limit is invalid. It simply means that we are disregarding and disobeying it. If we choose to murder and get away with it for a season, it doesn't mean that it is right. If we jump off the roof and don't believe in gravity, what do you think will happen? It really just doesn't matter what we "believe" about these absolutes. They are absolutes.

When our time on this planet is over we will be judged by a loving God by His beliefs and standards only- not by mine, or yours, or society's standards or beliefs (which are always changing). When we disobey God's beliefs and standards it is called sin. I know, it isn't a very pretty word. It isn't a very pretty thing, either. If anyone has ever done you a terrible wrong, you know that sin can be very ugly.

The Bible says that, "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God". That includes straights, homosexuals, preachers, popes, doctors, lawyers, politicians, prostitutes, me, and you. That's the bad news. But, here is the great news. Jesus provides the one and only remedy for any of this, if we believe and follow him. He died so that we won't have to die eternally, unless we choose to.

This is not a very popular or well received big picture in today's society. We are much like disobedient children, who when disciplined for doing wrong will say to their parent, "you don't love me, because you won't let me do what I want to". To which the loving parent says, "I do love you and one day you will understand."

However, it is a big picture full of love, because it is the truth. The stakes are high, because the eternal destiny of each individual lies in whether they accept the truth (Jesus) or reject him in order to follow the views and opinions of secular society. One thing I have learned as a Christian over the years is that following Christ is hard and won't win you too many popularity contests. But, that's to be expected I suppose, because Jesus himself got nailed to a cross by teaching these truths. That's tough, but ultimate love.


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