Do you have decisions to make?
Do you have decisions to make? Do you have forks in life’s road ahead? Do you lay awake at night analyzing what to decide the next day concerning one of life’s decisions? If you are a Christian, do you struggle to make a decision that you think would please God?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are just like me. I sometimes do these things. During periods of intermittent insomnia caused by leg and foot discomfort, I spend many nights talking to God and listening for His voice. I often ask Him what would please Him the most in an upcoming decision I need to make.
There are tons of books written on the subject of making Godly decisions and seeking God’s will in decisions. This blog would get much too long by including even a short list of these references. My intention here is to simply describe what I have personally experienced and learned in this area.
Here are a few things I have learned as I have sought to make Godly decisions:
1) Get your heart and mind off the decision first. There is only one primary focus in the Christian life- Christ. Put another way, as you have seen before- WWJD, right? I have learned to saturate myself with the words of my Lord Jesus. Reading His Words, talking to Him, getting to know Him. We need to be close all the time, but especially when preparing for a big decision. Sometimes though, I have saturated myself with details of the upcoming decision first. This was a mistake and what a non-believing, secular approach would emphasize.
2) Faith in God’s ability to get me to where He wants me to be. I don’t need to be obsessed (fear I will get it wrong) with making a wrong decision (as long as it isn’t against His principles). I can count dozens of Biblical personalities that didn’t get the decision “totally right”, but God saw the big picture, and the honest God- fearing intention of the person. They chose a path which ultimately proved to be less than optimum, but God still blessed it to a degree (for example, Abraham and Sarah). On occasion, I have honestly sought God’s will in a decision, but later found out it was probably not the best way. As I stayed close to God, He either “bailed me out” or provided a solution at a later time that led to where He wanted me to go in the first place. It is the journey that is important not necessarily the list of successes and failures.
3) Our choices that we make, especially the bigger decisions, reveal our true priorities. What is it that you really want and why? The truth be known, only God really knows the answer to this. Even my close friends and Angie, my wife, cant totally see what is in my heart. God can, however, and He already knows what is really important to me, but I need to see that myself, just like looking in a mirror reveals my true appearance. When faced with a big decision, if you take the time, you will come face to face with your values and goals (i.e. what your priorities are and what drives you). A Godly person, then compares these to God’s priorities, and aligns and corrects them as necessary.
I don’t mean to sound like I am preaching here. I have learned these things the hard way and wanted to share them with you. By so doing, perhaps you will find encouragement and insight the next time you are faced with making a decision that would please the Lord. I once heard a pastor preach on this topic and he used the example that he wondered sometimes whether God cared if he wore blue socks or red socks. The pastor went on to say, to the creator of the universe there are no big or small decisions. All choices are easy to make for Him; and yet He cares very much about everything we have, everything we think, and everything we decide. Ultimately, what He desires most is to be placed in the place which He deserves- the throne of your heart. Place Him there, by accepting His Son, Jesus, as your Savior and Lord. Then, keep Him on your throne, and consult with Him frequently.
I will close this blog entry with a story. In 2007, I was on the verge of starting seminary studies, with the intention of ultimately seeking ordination into the ministry. However, I was uncertain of the path I was on, so I dropped the online courses the day before they started. I was still uncertain of the path to take from there, but prayed for God’s guidance and then went to bed. The next morning, I was feeling somewhat deflated, but prayed that I could do something that day for God; whatever He wanted me to do. I sensed Him directing me to go visit a couple of folks in local hospitals. When I visited the second person that day in the hospital, I met an older African-American lady who gave me a prophecy that contained the greatest spiritual encouragement I have ever received. I am still deeply moved when I think about that afternoon in that hospital room.
You see, my decision to spend that day doing whatever God wanted me to do, led to a great blessing from Him and inspiration beyond my wildest dreams. That’s how it works. Remember the words of Jesus (in Matthew 6):
“Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’...For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."
Should I wear red socks or blue socks? WWJD? I know, that seems too simple. However, the implications and principles contain therein, are eternal and limitless. Remember, to Him, there are no decisions too big to handle.
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