I wasn’t feeling all that perky yesterday, but decided to drive over to Unity Baptist Church in Newnan last night to see Ugandan Thunder. Boy, am I glad I went. They were outstanding as usual and even that huge auditorium couldn’t contain their vibrant spiritual energy. It was fun to watch how people responded, when you already knew what to expect but they didn’t. It took a song or two, but then everyone was clapping. The slideshow showing scenes of the orphanages and kids in Uganda was very moving.
During a couple of songs the children sing and dance out among the crowd, and it’s a hoot to see the response of some people. Last night at the end, Big Daddy (Rev. Moody) had the kids pick folks out of the audience. Of course, the Unity Baptist Church pastor was chosen, too. Then, they all did the chicken dance on stage, together. Finally, the Girl Scouts of the Church presented each Ugandan child with a box of Girl Scout cookies, and their leader gave a check of $150 to Rev. Moody. The money was raised by the Girl Scout troop in preparation to present it to the Choir when they were at the Church last night.
It truly is amazing to hear, see, and feel the Holy Spirit in these kids as they sing songs in English as well as their native language. When they sang songs like “Days of Elijah” and “He knows my name”, I truely sensed God speaking to my heart. They preach the Gospel at you and you don’t even realize it.
We have recorded occasions in the New Testament where some people brought their children to Jesus for a blessing. A time or two, the disciples restrained them in some manner, but Jesus told them to allow the children to come to Him and then He blessed them. Additionally in Matthew 18, Jesus set the record straight on who is truly great in His Kingdom and what is required of us:
1 At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” 2 Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, 3 and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5 Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me.
If I were to put a picture of children beside this passage of scripture in my Bible to give me an example of what Jesus was talking about, it would be a picture of Ugandan Thunder. Please pray for these children and their leaders as they continue to tour the U.S. before returning to Uganda, later this year. For more information about Ugandan Thunder and Pennies for Posho, please see their web page:
Pennies For Posho
George and Angela (with our new Ugandan friends, Esther and Ashiraf)

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